Brawny Academy is an online reality series created to help women by helping their men become better, more proactive, more compassionate husbands by transforming them into the handsome, sensitive, idyllic Brawny Man. The integrated campaign came to life online in the form of a camp for husbands called “Brawny Academy” where contesting husbands competed in household chores, feats of strength and affection. The campaign included a rich-content web site where viewers followed their favorite Academy members, a “How To Guide for Husbands” print campaign, and the “Honey Let Me Do That” official Brawny field guide.
Welcome to Brawny Academy. A camp for men to become better men. This digital series follows eight men, sent by their wives to learn the ways of the Brawny Man: To become a more caring, helpful, rugged, compassionate man.